Friday, August 6, 2010

Sick Day

Well as I was headed out the door with Lydia this morning she threw up all over the dining room...that is usually a deal breaker for daycare ;-) In an instant went from happy and bubbly to whiny and lethargic. I have been trying to finish out the last two weeks at the office and it has been a disaster so far. I am definitely starting to feel better about my decision to stay home. I am not sure how I would manage any other way.

On another funny note, a memory of Lydia's first attempt at the big potty came to me today and made me smile and I thought I would share; Jackie one of her teachers told us that she set Lydia on the potty and she went and Jackie handed er a piece of tp...she wiped her mouth and threw it in the toilet! I guess it isn't obvious initially what you would use that for??! It made me smile.

Eliza and Mitchell will be baptized this Sunday and I am hoping everyone is feeling good on Sunday. Please say a little prayer for us if you have a minute!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pink Toes!

I have been trying for so long to paint Lydia's toenails...she finally let me tonight! It is adorable!

"It's all gone, Honey."

I have been thinking of starting a blog for a while now, and after Tim and I recently decided that I will leave my job for now, to stay home with the kids, it seems like a good time to start. I wanted to remember fun things that the kids say and do, milestones they reach and also so that I remember how to write in complete sentances!
I was telling my mom and grandma a funny story about something Lydia said and after they both said to me, "You have to write this stuff down for her!" I realized that the closest thing to writing it down would be to start a blog.
Yesterday while Lydia was eating dinner she pointed to one of her compartments on her plate and said "More...I want more!" I asked her what was there and she tilted her head and in a sweet little voice said, "It's all gone Honey." Yes folks, she was calling ME Honey! I had to stifle my laughter as I asked her what she said, just so I could hear it again. I have to say, this kid is a piece of work!