Monday, January 31, 2011

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Last week my Grandparents came up to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. We had a great evening and got to spend some time together. The next morning my mom was trying to make a PB & J sandwich for Lydia (her fav) and Lydia was repeating over and over that she wanted to spread the jelly...she talks so much that my mom had tuned her out. She finally pushed a stool up to the counter and stood up and yelled, "I'm losing my mind!". Whoops. That got everyone's attention!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where is she?

I know some of you have been wondering where I am and why I have not been keeping up with my blog...contrary to popular belief (Chad) I AM actually busy. ;-) I am posting a little clip of what a lot of the day looks like....

Well...that seems a little calm, maybe an average day is more like this;

The good news is we are starting to find a routine and that includes a time slot in the afternoon that I try (key word being try) to get all three down at the same time for a nap. So this might be the time (if I don't have supper to get ready or 8 loads of laundry to do...that I will try to get back into the blogging world.