Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Moving and babbling

I have noticed the babies both really starting to move...roll and scoot to get to where they want to be. It is fun to watch. They will probably be crawling any time now! Mitchell really started babbling a lot yesterday. We took Lydia to the Childrens Museum and the babies really enjoyed looking around! Fun day!

Food Frustration

So it is finally starting to get to me....I have been struggling to get Lydia to eat for quite awhile now. I have taken the approach that is recommended by our doctor and not made a big deal out of it so that it doesn't become a power struggle. I am finally at my breaking point. Most people say things like..."_____ will only eat ______." I can't even say that. It seems like everything that she likes or has previously liked, now is not working. I don't want to make multiple meals and haven't, unless we are having something that I know she absolutely will not eat. Yesterday she told me her spaghetti was "scary". AHHHH... It is getting scary to me when I know that she has eaten about 300 calories all week! I know others have to have problems with this....any suggestions?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Gas Station Alert

I had a little laugh to myself today. We went out for dinner and every gas station we passed Lydia reminded Tim and I that we needed to "stop and get some gas in the car". I remember that when I was driving back and forth to work every day I never looked at the gas seemed that inevitably I would end up all the way out at AEGON and my gas light would be on. I would never know how long I had been driving before I actually noticed it. Really wouldn't be a big deal except for at that time there were no gas stations close. It was always a little nerve wracking to drive home. So I am grateful that she will fill in for my short fall in that area!

"Water Day"

The first week that we were all home together I tried to still do a few things that were Lydia's school routine and one of them was "Water Day". We did have fun...Kobe had to fill in for Londyn, Peyton, Reese, Lincoln and Shreya. I think he did an OK job. ;-) She had a lot of fun. I remember her yelling out, "I'm crazy in the water with my friends!". I almost cried, because she was alone...Londy just lives around the corner so we still get to see her quite a bit. 


Well even though this was in August, I think these little pictures are so cute that I have to share...Mitchell and Eliza were baptized and we were so happy that our families were able to be you think I managed to take a picture of all of them??? Of course not. Shoot. Oh well, the day was wonderful and the babies were on their best behavior. At least I remembered to get pictures of Mitchell and Eliza!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Haircut...

I already established that this summer has really flown by...I wonder why? ;-) We had a few firsts this summer and one of them was a first haircut. Lydia sat in the chair so well and even let Amber give her trial run for the flower girl hairstyle that she had coming up the following week. The babies came along for the fun and were very good also!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm back!

Well it has been a crazy couple of months as I have adjusted to staying home with the kids and we are slowly finding a routine. Oh who am I kidding, there is no routine. ;-) Hopefully someday we will have one. Right now it is organized chaos. I am going to be more persistent about finding time in my day to blog, 2 months is way too long!

New things that happened today...I learned something new! Skype! My grandparents have had it forever and my mother-in-law gave us a web cam 2 years ago. I initially avoided it because I don't always feel presentable for camera when I am talking on the phone, but I have embraced the idea and I think it can be good. Do any of you use Skype?? If so feel free to add us!

I also learned that the vacuum will pretty much instantly put the babies to in walks an opportunity to multi task. I was able to vacuum the stairs and put the babies to sleep at the same time! Yea! As I was vacuuming the song "I learned something new today" from Sid the Science Kid on IPTV was running through my head. We like Sid around here, but I would like to get rid of that song in my head!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sick Day

Well as I was headed out the door with Lydia this morning she threw up all over the dining room...that is usually a deal breaker for daycare ;-) In an instant went from happy and bubbly to whiny and lethargic. I have been trying to finish out the last two weeks at the office and it has been a disaster so far. I am definitely starting to feel better about my decision to stay home. I am not sure how I would manage any other way.

On another funny note, a memory of Lydia's first attempt at the big potty came to me today and made me smile and I thought I would share; Jackie one of her teachers told us that she set Lydia on the potty and she went and Jackie handed er a piece of tp...she wiped her mouth and threw it in the toilet! I guess it isn't obvious initially what you would use that for??! It made me smile.

Eliza and Mitchell will be baptized this Sunday and I am hoping everyone is feeling good on Sunday. Please say a little prayer for us if you have a minute!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pink Toes!

I have been trying for so long to paint Lydia's toenails...she finally let me tonight! It is adorable!

"It's all gone, Honey."

I have been thinking of starting a blog for a while now, and after Tim and I recently decided that I will leave my job for now, to stay home with the kids, it seems like a good time to start. I wanted to remember fun things that the kids say and do, milestones they reach and also so that I remember how to write in complete sentances!
I was telling my mom and grandma a funny story about something Lydia said and after they both said to me, "You have to write this stuff down for her!" I realized that the closest thing to writing it down would be to start a blog.
Yesterday while Lydia was eating dinner she pointed to one of her compartments on her plate and said "More...I want more!" I asked her what was there and she tilted her head and in a sweet little voice said, "It's all gone Honey." Yes folks, she was calling ME Honey! I had to stifle my laughter as I asked her what she said, just so I could hear it again. I have to say, this kid is a piece of work!