Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Haircut...

I already established that this summer has really flown by...I wonder why? ;-) We had a few firsts this summer and one of them was a first haircut. Lydia sat in the chair so well and even let Amber give her trial run for the flower girl hairstyle that she had coming up the following week. The babies came along for the fun and were very good also!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm back!

Well it has been a crazy couple of months as I have adjusted to staying home with the kids and we are slowly finding a routine. Oh who am I kidding, there is no routine. ;-) Hopefully someday we will have one. Right now it is organized chaos. I am going to be more persistent about finding time in my day to blog, 2 months is way too long!

New things that happened today...I learned something new! Skype! My grandparents have had it forever and my mother-in-law gave us a web cam 2 years ago. I initially avoided it because I don't always feel presentable for camera when I am talking on the phone, but I have embraced the idea and I think it can be good. Do any of you use Skype?? If so feel free to add us!

I also learned that the vacuum will pretty much instantly put the babies to in walks an opportunity to multi task. I was able to vacuum the stairs and put the babies to sleep at the same time! Yea! As I was vacuuming the song "I learned something new today" from Sid the Science Kid on IPTV was running through my head. We like Sid around here, but I would like to get rid of that song in my head!